Why invest in BRAIN Biotech AG?
Investing in a future where industrial growth and sustainability go hand in hand
Be part of a revolutionary change in industrial manufacturing. Industrial biotechnology is at the forefront of this revolution. With your investment we can jointly shape the accelerated biologization of industrial production - true to our corporate motto "Creating a bio-based future". An investment in BRAIN Biotech AG combines sustainable growth with attractive value enhancement potential.
Five strong reasons
Why it pays to invest in us?
Clear strategy of profitable growth
Our goal is to be one of the world's top 10 enzyme companies.
Significant market opportunities
We have excellent market opportunities in our growth areas food, life sciences and environment.
Growing demand for integrated solution providers
As an integrated provider of biotech solutions, we are a sought-after partner.
Enabler to advance the Bioeconomy
Industrial biotechnology is a cornerstone for a more sustainable, better future for the next generations.
Products & Solutions directly address UN-SDGs
Our products and solutions lead to a better, healthier, and more sustainable life.